Public tender for establishing or upgrading electronic business in SMEs - »E-BUSINESS 2019-2022«
The company INEOR d.o.o. has obtained funding from the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investment and Technology in a Public Tender for the establishment or upgrading of electronic business in SMEs in the period 2019-2022 "E-BUSINESS 2019-2022" for an operation partially co-financed by the Republic Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The purpose of the operation is to improve the possibilities of entering foreign markets or expanding operations on them by establishing or upgrading electronic business and thus increase international competitiveness.
The goal of the operation is to make it easier to enter global value chains and new markets by adopting an electronic way of doing business and to increase the international competitiveness of the company's operations.
Results of the operation:
- digitization of the exhibition,
- website for foreign markets,
- online shop,
- production and sales video,
- strengthening of competences - training.
The operation will last until August 31, 2022, and its total value is EUR 29,995.00. The operation is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Republic of Slovenia.
More information about European cohesion policy in Slovenia is available on the website

Digital Marketing Voucher
»Investment Voucher for digital marketing (creation of a website, online store and reservation platform) is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund«.
As part of the public call for Digital Marketing Voucher, we obtained co-financing in the company and we are implementing the setting up of the new UseRisk website, online store and reservation platform. The purpose and goal of the public call is to encourage the target groups from point 4 of this public call to introduce digital marketing, which will increase their competitiveness, added value or revenues. More information about European cohesion policy in Slovenia is available at